Resistbot Petition: TO LIE, OR NOT TO LIE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. “War is Peace” George Orwell, 1984 And there you have the current GOP encapsulated. Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes? We in the truth-seeking, reality-based world are flummoxed by the ability, and more sadly, the desire to lie to your constituents, to America, to yourselves. To want the American people to be misled. To want them to believe lies that are destroying our society. Or worse yet, to know these efforts are wrong but choose to do nothing. The January 6 committee is exposing the mendacity and hypocrisy present at the highest levels. A mendacity that led to January 6. A mendacity cultivated and spread by a major ‘news’ outlet. And all promulgated by an American President. Propaganda can be a winning strategy. In the short term. But it always falls apart. And leaves the people who believed it even more angry and disaffected and distrustful of their government. The current attempt to, again, whitewash documented words, texts, and actions with obfuscation and disingenuousness, hopefully, are signs of the beginning disintegration of the wall of lies. Jim Jordan sent an awful text, regardless of his focus now on the semantics of it. Fox News spread the lies, then was horrified by the outcome, reacted to it, and is now crying foul on numerous frantic fronts in an attempt to blur their involvement. Even Don Jr. is scrambling to cover his tracks with smokescreen. Daddy can’t be happy. It all reeks. But what will be even more awful is if it works. And you let it. If our own government won’t work for the good of the country by encouraging the truth to come out, we truly are doomed.

▶ Created on December 16, 2021 by Debbie

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