
An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Support Urged for Social Security Expansion Act 2023

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I write as a concerned citizen and a parent, advocating for the Social Security Expansion Act of 2023. This critical legislation, championed by Senator Bernie Sanders, proposes necessary reforms to safeguard and enhance Social Security, a cornerstone of our nation's social safety net. Current projections suggest that, without intervention, Social Security may only be able to disburse about 80% of owed benefits starting in 2034. The Social Security Expansion Act of 2023 addresses this impending shortfall with a sustainable and equitable solution, ensuring the program's solvency for an additional 75 years and increasing annual benefits by $2,400. This Act proposes financing these enhancements by lifting the payroll tax cap on incomes over $250,000. This approach ensures that high earners contribute more equitably to the system. It aligns with the principle that those who have benefited most from our economy should contribute proportionately to the welfare of all citizens, particularly our seniors. The Act parallels the Social Security 2100 Act: A Sacred Trust, introduced by Rep. John Larson in the House. Both aim to improve benefits for seniors, many of whom live in poverty, and extend the life of the Trust Fund. Importantly, these changes would not impact the contributions of working-class Americans. In contrast to proposals that suggest raising the retirement age or cutting benefits, this Act provides a viable path to strengthen Social Security without burdening the working class. It represents a balanced approach to economic responsibility and social compassion. Your support for the Social Security Expansion Act of 2023 would be a strong statement of commitment to the well-being of our seniors and the health of our social security system. I urge you to advocate for and support this vital legislation. Thank you for your consideration.

▶ Created on January 19 by Mike

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