Resistbot Petition: DO YOU ❤️ PUTIN TOO?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Questions posed today in the media… “Are Republicans comfortable with Trump’s gushing praise for Putin? Do lawmakers such as Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio agree that Russia’s invasion was a “genius” move? Will Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell endorse the idea that the invading Russian military represents a “peace force”? Or are leading GOP voices going to pretend, once again, not to know what Trump said?” Well. What do you think? You okay with embracing Putin? His actions? His world view? His tactics? Are they worthy of emulating as your party’s leader suggests in his fanboy gushing all over the place? I find it difficult to believe that the GOP has polled its constituents and found widespread support for Putin’s actions. Worse, if such polling actually occurred, and such support was actually indicated, that y’all aren’t extremely worried about that. Listening to constituents should never include agreeing with subverting the democracy you work for. Putin and his ilk are the opposite of what America stands for. What the GOP stands for. How far are you going to go down the road of tacit agreement with the most dangerous aspects of what your party is becoming? Is there no bridge too far? The elements of your party who are supporting America, their efforts to lead, to work together during this scary time are to be admired. Those folks remember and recognize what’s supposed to be important. The rest of them should go to Russia. And stay there.

▶ Created on February 23, 2022 by Debbie

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