Resistbot Petition: WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO US? (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Gosh I feel like I’m back in high school these days. Texas still isn’t teaching effective forms of birth control. Or educating well about our bodies. Abstinence is still the rule of the day. And Texas women will still need to go to Mexico to get an abortion. When Mexico and Ireland are showing the world that women’s lives and personal choices matter by decriminalizing abortion, why are Texas and other GOP-led states so intent on showing just the opposite? The zealotry is medieval. I can think of only one other governing body showing such disdain for women. And we all know who I’m talking about. But, thank goodness for Mexico. If I had been able to make use of Mexico when I was a pregnant high schooler, maybe I wouldn’t have been forced to marry at 17. To a heroin addict. Because pre-1973 being married was the only solution available to me. There was no way my parents would allow me to be an unwed mother. That part of the equation has become more progressive. There’s not the same stigma being unmarried and pregnant. But thanks to y’all, a girl may still have to have a baby they could be totally unequipped to care for. And that situation is not a pretty picture. Trust me. So please just try to think how you would feel if you found yourself in such a predicament. Where not only were the powers-that-be not helping you, but were actively working against your best interests. Put yourself in a position to have decisions about your most personal situation taken out of your hands. And given to any stranger on the street. As well, you suddenly find yourself powerless to do anything about it. How long would you stand for that kind of treatment? For now, we’ll have to put our faith in a court of law to make sure women can retain their constitutional rights . Cause y’all sure seem less than concerned about that reality.

▶ Created on September 9, 2021 by Debbie

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