Resistbot Petition: UNFIT TO LEAD (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. When even Fox News decides that your cause is too hot-button even for them, I think the tea leaves are clear. Your political calculation on a woman’s right to choose is a disaster. The elected officials who allowed this to progress to a national debacle should go home. You are unfit to lead. You are unfit to make decisions for your constituents. You are unfit for public service. Just a tip of the reporting iceberg… “By 1:00 this afternoon, the Fox News Channel had mentioned the decision only in a 20-second news brief in the 5 am hour. In political terms, it seems the dog has caught the car. …most Americans agree on most issues, even the hot button ones like abortion. A Gallup poll from June examining the issue of abortion concluded that only 32% of Americans wanted the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision overturned, while 58% of Americans opposed overturning it. "’Overturning Roe v. Wade,’" Lydia Saad of Gallup wrote, “is a shorthand way of saying the Supreme Court could decide abortion is not a constitutional right after all, thus giving control of abortion laws back to the states. This does not sit well with a majority of Americans or even a large subset of Republicans. Not only do Americans oppose overturning Roe in principle, but they oppose laws limiting abortion in early stages of pregnancy that would have the same practical effect.”” You have been in your partisan echo chamber too long. You are out of touch with the majority of us. And you are about to learn what that means. You are not God almighty.

▶ Created on September 3, 2021 by Debbie

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