Resistbot Petition: REAL TRUE PATRIOTISM

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I’ve wondered what might be the cataclysmic event that would grab the US by the nape of its neck for a good shake. Now we have it. War in Europe. A misguided war started by a dictatorial autocrat on a developing democratic sovereign country. A war that so far, on most any metric, he will not win. And I say he because it is apparent that the Russian people do not want what he has done in their name. We see a beleaguered Ukrainian President rising to hero status around the world. He has us ALL bristling with pride and admiration as he fights the power. He and his brave, patriotic people are the best of mankind. And they serve as an example of the might of right. Which we here in our divided country should wisely take heed of. Here where a disproportionate number of Republican voters think Putin’s just fine and dandy. This is horrific thinking in the land of the free. My hope is that attitudes about those among us that rally around such an unpatriotic view, while claiming true patriotism, will now be shown to be small. Weak. Undeserving of public attention. Deserving of pariah status. And relegated to the ash bin of history as they truly deserve. Because we are looking at Ukraine and we see what true patriotism looks like. And there’s nothing fake about it.

▶ Created on February 27, 2022 by Debbie

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