
An open letter to the U.S. House of Representatives

Co-sponsor H.R. 1478, the Federal Firearms Licensee Act.

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As your constituent, I'm writing to ask that you co-sponsor H.R. 1478, the Federal Firearms Licensee Act. This is a groundbreaking gun safety bill that will help keep guns off our streets by providing law enforcement with the tools necessary to crack down on gun trafficking and the rogue gun sellers that perpetuate it. The laws that govern gun dealers are outdated—and that's what makes them dangerous. By modernizing and strengthening the federal laws that gun dealers must follow, this legislation will ensure that gun sales are done responsibly, securely, and safely, and that the dealers who fail to do so are held accountable. Please co-sponsor the Federal Firearms Licensee Act to make sure gun dealers are required to do their part to stop this deadly crisis.

▶ Created on March 11, 2024 by Jess Craven

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