Resistbot Petition: FOR THE COMMON GOOD

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. What a pleasure watching an American president who is not only articulate, but compassionate, authentic, and coherent. A man with a plan. A plan not just for himself, but for the country. A plan that empowers us, not divides us. That acknowledges the power of the government to do what it was intended to do. To guide the country. To help the people. To be inclusive. To adhere to the tenets of democracy. So when your party rebuts with the tired canard of ‘socialism,’ you just sound irrelevant. We don’t want socialism. But we don’t want the divided anarchy tending towards autocracy that seems to be the only GOP plan right now. Y’all have lost your way. And I expect Americans watching audience camera pans last night were wondering why on earth y’all wouldn’t applaud the vision of eradicating child hunger in our country? Or more education? Or any of a number of things that better our peoples’ lives and help the country. You had your chance under Mr. Trump to do good. You did not. So please try and get out of the way of progress. We are tired of looking backwards. We want a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

▶ Created on April 29, 2021 by Debbie

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