An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. While we greet the weekend marveling over the mental prowess of the GOP presidential frontrunner as he tells us how he was able identity a whale on a cognitive test that apparently experts in the field do not recognize, while also yelling at Nikki Haley for not stopping the January 6 riot, even though he offered her 10K troops, we also see certain actual realities. The law and Donald Trump. And unwavering bravery. Case in point…E. Jean Carroll. “In refusing passivity and placid acceptance in the face of one of the most powerful men in America, Carroll is showing us that subjugation and fear do not have to be part of the female narrative. She’s doing what no one else has the guts to do — she’s showing that Trump isn’t as powerful as we think he is. That his relentless march over our country and our rights can be curtailed. Carroll is refusing to accept the power of his attacks, and in the process she’s revealing how little power he has when face to face with the law.” Do you ever ask yourself why women seem capable of saying NO to this man and holding him to account while you are not? When this whole era of GOP going-along-to-get-along, appeasement, capitulation, and surrender is one for the history books, we’ll see who the true heroes were. And none of your names will be found.

▶ Created on January 20 by Debbie

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