An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Word for the day: democracide. I expect you can figure out the meaning. It’s what we’ve managed to avoid over the past four years. Mostly. The GOP managed to both help destroy, but also surprisingly, helped to save our democracy. Saved it through cumulative acts of civic virtue. The Republic survived a sustained attempt on its life because judges and civil servants and just enough politicians did what they had to do. During Mr. Trump’s attempted, but inept, coup, political actors did the right thing at the moments when the power of decision was directly in their hands. The Republicans who stayed true to the law, who chose to follow their duty, were the ones who had actual power to move events. Putting your name on a brief or a letter, and knowing that it’s just a gesture with no chance of success, does not show patriotism. It shows political theatrics, designed to seem patriotic, but transparently rooted in cynicism. In the knowledge of an empty gesture made for all the wrong reasons. Because you don’t actually possess the power needed to do the damage you say you hoped for by voting to help overthrow a free and fair election. I’m talking to you Senator Cruz. And Rep. Pfluger. Instead, Trump stalwarts like Brian Kemp, Brad Raffensperger, and all the other Republican election officials who held the power to do the harm you hoped for, made the choice for the Republic, not politics. Even Mike Pence, the most loyal of them all, made the choice for country and the Constitution. So as all the fallout continues over the poor choices made by people who knew better, we’re going to see how far personal responsibility still goes with your party. Maybe you should go watch some more of the videos from the Capitol Insurrection. It might make it easier for you.

▶ Created on January 17, 2021 by Debbie

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