Stop the dismantling of the federal government and protect civil servants!
64 so far! Help us get to 100 signers!
I write to you today as a constituent and once proud American. I ask you to remember the words on the famous Lady Liberty, symbol of freedom and America. They have been completely disregarded by the current administration. At the current rate, they may as well read:
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses no longer, nor your scientists, your middle class, your organized protestors, for America is for one group and one group only: rich, white men. Others need not apply.
America was meant to be a melting pot, a world where those who worked hard could make a living for themselves and their family. A living doing research for the NIH, teaching schoolchildren, working in National Parks, the helping Americans file their taxes at the IRS, supporting farmers from the USDA, keeping food safe from the FDA, or even serving in the Department of Defense.
No longer.
Americans are watching their friends, neighbors, family members, acquaintances, be fired in droves from their careers that they've worked hard to get. Federal employees were known for having lower pay than the private sector but good benefits and great job security. Now? The current administration has transformed that trust overnight, firing tens of thousands of Americans overnight, with no warning.
There are tens of thousands of Americans without jobs, tens of thousands of families without income with which to support themselves, tens of thousands of Americans who have been betrayed by their government and cast out without notice.
What are you doing to protect those people? What are you doing to protect this foundation of America, that above all, we claim to reward hard workers? What are you doing to protect your country, your constituents, and your government from the chaos the current administration is currently sending down to them from the highest office in the land?
Stop the firings of federal workers. Stop the dismantling of the federal government. Stand up for what is right. Do your duty.