An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. It’s been one of those weeks when it’s easy to figure out what to get upset about, there’s so much to choose from. Texas women, brave women, being pilloried by their state when they have the audacity to point out Texas betrayed them by not giving a good god damn whether they lived or died when confronted with a dangerous pregnancy. Actions at our southern border that are firmly in the realm of inhumane and brutal. Using human life as political theatrics, and apparently spending $9.5 BILLION in the process. And what do we have to show for it? Misery. Degradation. Our law enforcement being forced to behave against their own moral core, to enforce decisions made by people who apparently do not possess one. Attempts to minimize our history of slavery as just another economic process necessary to make America great. Everybody was doing it. And by the way, it was really just a stern form of trade school that benefited folks eventually. Legislating discrimination against the LGBTQ community, who are asking nothing more than being allowed to live their own lives in peace. Impeding our Democratic processes, denigrating our federal bureaus that attempt to keep the country safe and secure. Casting aspirations on the institutions that make up our Republic. Sowing misinformation and discontent among the people for political gain. Poisoning our communal well. Seriously considering a potentially thrice-indicted, perhaps eventually convicted, Republican presidential candidate to be the best choice for your party and the country. And anyone or anything who says differently is the devil. And should go to hell or jail or both. And that’s just the tip of an awful iceberg we’re having to experience these days. Then add to that Sen. Cruz’s current meltdown over Barbie and we’ll call it a day. Because THAT’S what we the people are really worried about. How could you possibly believe this is the country that most of us want to live in?

▶ Created on July 23, 2023 by Debbie

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