Resistbot Petition: BLAH BLAH BLAH

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I think today I write to commend the GOP for single-handedly and oh so effectively putting the sham of classified info being of any importance to rest. Who cares. We can flush it. We can tear it up. We can steal it. We can hoard it. But only if we’re president. Correction…a Republican president. Hillary Clinton can’t ever do it though. Because she’s the devil. And a woman. Now, confronted with apparent, actual proof of violations of presidential protocol, you guys seem to be befuddled as to why all the hubbub. Lots of head scratching. Don’t know nothing about nothing. But you gotta love the constant stream of historical evidence, both written and recorded, of the old GOP righteous indignation versus today’s new chill GOP. Yesterday’s outrage miraculously morphed into today’s shrugs. No worries. So thank you for making it all easier for the American citizenry. We get a daily reminder that what you say on any given day are just words. There’s nothing behind them. Like a wind sock blowing with the wind. No one will ever believe in your false outrage about anything again. It’s all been just bad theater. Convincing. But fake.

▶ Created on February 11, 2022 by Debbie

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