Resistbot Petition: AMERICAN PATRIOTS?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. You must be so proud…CPAC having a mutual love fest meeting in Hungary…which is apparently the new dream for democracy in the far right these days. And they’re working hard to realize it. “Orbán is the architect of what he calls “illiberal democracy,” or “Christian democracy.” This form of government holds nominal elections, although their outcome is preordained because the government controls all the media and has silenced opposition. Illiberal democracy rejects modern liberal democracy because the equality it champions means an acceptance of immigrants, LGBTQ rights, and women’s rights and an end to traditionally patriarchal society. Orbán’s model of minority rule promises a return to a white-dominated, religiously based society, and he has pushed his vision by eliminating the independent press, cracking down on political opposition, getting rid of the rule of law, and dominating the economy with a group of crony oligarchs.” Already starting to sound familiar doesn’t it? (The banning of US media from the event while rhapsodizing about ‘replacement theory’ was a nice touch.) Then the totally expected icing on the cake… “[Tucker] Carlson, who was supposed to be a keynote speaker at the event, but instead sent a 38-second video message, said Hungary was a wonderful country because of Orbán’s authoritarian leadership. “I can’t believe that you’re in Budapest and I am not,” he said. “What a wonderful country. And you know why you can tell it’s a wonderful country? Because the people who turned our country into a much less good place are hysterical when you point it out.” Orbán returned the love, saying that having your own media is the best way to “point out the insanity of the progressive left.” He went on to give Carlson’s show as an example. “My friend Tucker Carlson is the only one who puts himself out there,” he said. “His show is the most popular. What does it mean? It means programs like his should be broadcasted day and night. Or as you say 24/7.” Sounds like heaven doesn’t it? Propaganda over the American airwaves 24/7. And it works so beautifully. But this is the best closer… “It is surprising to see folks who talk about American greatness take their inspiration from the leader of a small central European country of fewer than 10 million people, about the size of Michigan. Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley commented: “Oh come on US conservatives, stop embarrassing yourselves. Have some dignity and national pride.”” Think that’ll ever happen?

▶ Created on May 20, 2022 by Debbie

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