Resistbot Petition: ONWARD & UPWARD AMERICA

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. In the midst of a constant doom and gloom media drumbeat, the reality for America is a bit sunnier. Unemployment down. “Today, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its October monthly jobs report, and the news was good. The country added 531,000 new jobs, and numbers for previous months were revised to take more complete data into account. They show that there were 235,000 more jobs created in August and September than had previously been counted. Today’s news says that the U.S. economy has reached 4.6% unemployment two years ahead of schedule. Since Biden took office, the U.S. has added more than 5.6 million jobs. This reflects the rebound from the lows of the pandemic, and it means that Biden added more jobs in the first 9 months of his presidency than the last three Republican administrations, covering 16 years, combined. The news created a rally on the stock market. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, the S&P 500, and the Nasdaq Composite, all ways of measuring the stock market, all closed at record highs, a powerful sign in light of the fact that right-wing politicians have insisted that Biden’s policies would hurt the economy.” Long-anticipated infrastructure bill passed. “This bill is a huge investment in infrastructure. Axios lists just how huge: over the next 8 years, it will provide $110 billion for fixing roads and bridges, $73 billion for the electrical grid, $66 billion for railroads, $65 billion for broadband, $55 billion for water infrastructure, $47 billion for coastal adjustments to climate change, $39 billion for public transportation, and so on.” So while y’all continue to gin up discontent and dishonest outrage manifested in obstructionism, progress for the country is being made regardless. No thanks to you. Can you imagine the good that could be done with true bipartisanship?

▶ Created on November 6, 2021 by Debbie

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