Resistbot Petition: STOP THE BULLYING (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Finally. Y’all found a topic that you can actually get something done on…discriminating against a tiny portion of your constituents. Transgender Texans. Y’all are excelling on that front. What a bunch of bullies wrapped up in the guise of righteousness. And concern. All of it fake. The latest…the Texas Department of Agriculture distributed a memo to employees last week informing them that they’re required to dress in a “manner consistent with their biological gender.” “Appropriate” attire for women, as defined by the memo, includes not showing “excessive cleavage” and says skirts must be “within four inches of the knee” (however, “pants and Western apparel are allowable"). The expectations for men, on the other hand, are essentially to wear button-down shirts and socks, though shirts “must be tucked in.” (I’m pretty sure this is exact dress code my San Antonio high school had in the 1960s. Although the DoA memo does deign to allow women to wear pants. Of the appropriate sort of course.) Is this for real? Why are y’all so fragile in your world view? You seem to obsess on the strangest things. Things that the majority of us accept. But y’all are willing to go to the most extreme lengths to tackle issues that aren’t issues for the majority of citizens. All based apparently on your deep-seated fear of change, progress or the advancement of societal norms. A fear that seems to supersede even basic humanity. Instead of leaving your constituents to live their lives, you insist on marginalizing and even endangering their wellbeing. Being a bully is easy. All you need is a weaker victim. And enablers. Unfortunately our Texas leadership seems to excel at the bullying and enabling part. Not so much the leadership part. You should be ashamed.

▶ Created on April 25, 2023 by Debbie

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