VOTE NO on the Safeguarding Americans From Extremism Act
The introduction of the Safeguarding Americans From Extremism Act, which seeks to expel Palestinians from the country, is deeply concerning. This legislation, co-sponsored by several extremist members of Congress, is a discriminatory measure that targets a specific ethnic group under the guise of national security.
The United States is a nation that is supposed to be built on the principles of justice and liberty. I demand that you reconsider your support for this bill, which would lead to the unjust deportation of individuals based on their ethnicity. I implore you to be vocal in your opposition to this disturbing legislation with your colleagues, your constituents, and all the American people.
Regardless of the stance you have regarding Palestinians in Gaza & the West Bank- the Palestinians in our country have nothing to do with this. If you really want to protect Americans from extremism, then you will not allow this bill to pass. This is what radical extremism looks like- targeting an entire ethnic group peacefully residing in our country because of a conflict happening in another country.