Resistbot Petition: PROPOGANDA AS EDUCATION (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. So here we go. Education in Texas is to become a propaganda arm of Big Brother. Big Brother as manifested by a state government who now regulates our bodies. Our need for public safety during a pandemic. Our private businesses and what they can and cannot do. Who decides who can vote and where and when…and even if. And now what can and cannot be taught to our children. I’m speaking of the latest dumbing-down measure to come out of our state legislature, SB 3, i.e. the Critical Race Theory bill. Or more aptly named ‘if it ain’t white, male, preferably manly, molded on the white man’s burden, or any episode of Gunsmoke or Bonanza or the Alamo of Hollywood, it didn’t happen’ bill. No history allowed that makes us uncomfortable or makes us think. Or makes us learn from it. You not only think our population is stupid, you’re actively trying to make them so. What happens to our under-educated children when they attempt to join a world outside of Texas that knows the world isn’t actually flat? A world that has taught a balanced, and accurate, account of our history? Do you not understand that puts our people at a disadvantage? All for your short-term political gain by hopping on the current right-wing bandwagon. Because that’s what you’re doing with this ignorant legislation. But I guess that’s what you think is best for your constituents…ignorant, pregnant, poor, encouraged to not vote, under-insured, and under-informed about the larger world. It gives us a school that does not dare take a position on the Holocaust. “On October 8, the executive director of curriculum and instruction for the Carroll Independent School District in Southlake, Texas, told a teacher to make sure to follow Texas’s new law requiring teachers to present opposing views on controversial subjects. The Carroll school board had recently reprimanded a fourth-grade teacher who had kept an anti-racism book in her classroom, and teachers wanted to know what books they could keep in their own classrooms.  “Just try to remember the concepts of [House Bill] 3979,” the curriculum director said. “And make sure that if you have a book on the Holocaust,” the director continued, “that you have one that has an opposing, that has other perspectives.” “How do you oppose the Holocaust?” one teacher said.” The worst of the worst. What a joke our state is becoming.

▶ Created on October 17, 2021 by Debbie

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