Resistbot Petition: AMERICA FIRST. REMEMBER?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Watching history unfold can be scary. Or it can be reassuring. Today, it’s reassuring. If our founders were to devise the perfect test of our democracy, they would have sent Donald Trump. Even as he uses every tool at his disposal to countermand the wishes of the American’s still not working. Democracy is rolling over him. As we all hoped it would. This is in no way any thanks to you and yours however. One half of our leadership continues to pander to his anti-American delusions. Your names are writ with his in the days to come. I find it incredibly sad that your party has become a victim of its own devices. Your years of instilling fear, divisiveness, and distrust are coming home to roost. The base of your party has become the product. Fearful with no discernible object of this fear. Allegiance to fantasy. Devotion to a wanna-be authoritarian. Susceptible to any crazy theory put forth by their chosen one. And grievance with no remedy. Other than Trump. This is your Frankenstein monster. So where does that leave the sane segment of the GOP? Up the creek I guess. Will you fight to regain what your party once stood for? Because nothing is left of that GOP after the reign of DJT. You have sold your party and yourselves to the lowest common denominator. What road will you take to redeem yourselves? Embrace the crazy to the detriment of society? Or work towards a more productive union? Democracy is working. You should do your part to help it out. We need to work together. “Our democracy depends on our ability both to criticize our government and to believe that we can legitimately elect a different set of leaders to advance different policies. If we lose the concept of a loyal opposition, we must all declare allegiance to the king.”

▶ Created on November 21, 2020 by Debbie

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