Shame on you! You are a lying, manipulative, racist, fascistic bully and, as far as this Ohioan is concerned, a domestic terrorist. Your wife is the child of immigrants, and a normal human being would use that as a source of empathy towards the groups you target with your hatred and vitriol.
You claim to be a Christian, and yet you absolutely do not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. His greatest commandments were to love God with all of our hearts, souls, minds, and strength, AND to love our neighbors as OURSELVES. You have failed miserably to honor both commandments, as a person who truly loves God should be incapable of treating other human beings with the amount of contempt you are showing to our Haitian brothers and sisters in Springfield.
You represent the worst of us, and all decent people in the great State of Ohio are extremely ashamed of you. Unfortunately, telling you to do better will accomplish nothing, and I highly doubt that you will actually see this letter yourself. I fully expect your staff to read this, laugh, and immediately throw it into the garbage. To them I say: it's not too late to stop serving this absolute monster.
In closing, I will remind you that the United States of America is a country of immigrants and that most of your beloved founding fathers were immigrants, though I suspect you don't actually give a shit about that fact. Grow up, Senator.