Resistbot Petition: ENOUGH ALREADY

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. What we’re seeing and reading… The all-but-ordained GOP presidential candidate for 2024 verifying to the nation that he will be a dictator. Day one, day two, and every day to follow. Does anyone doubt his intent? Can you rest easy at night believing that procedural and historical guard rails can keep him from doing most of anything he puts his mind to? Take a hard look at what he’s done to the GOP before you answer. And here’s just one of the loyal minions waiting in the wings to do as the big guy wants… “We will go out and find the conspirators, not just in government but in the media,” [Kash] Patel said. “Yes, we’re going to come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens, who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections—we’re going to come after you. Whether it’s criminally or civilly, we’ll figure that out.” And that’s an attorney. So I guess we can’t necessarily rely on the law under Trump to protect our Constitution. Lastly, re the current standoff between border security vs world security, it seems even those amongst us who I believed to be made of sterner stuff have succumbed to the lowest form of negotiation…hostage taking. “Democrats are still offering to negotiate a reasonable package, but as Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) said earlier this week: “I think there’s a misunderstanding on the part of Senator Schumer and some of our Democratic friends…. This is not a traditional negotiation, where we expect to come up with a bipartisan compromise on the border. This is a price that has to be paid in order to get the supplemental.”” This is absurd. Congress makes laws. So why can’t you all come together with a viable solution for border concerns? It’s been years, over multiple administrations, to figure something out. I find it impossible to believe that y’all are unable to come up with a workable solution. My way or the highway is destroying the ability to get things done. Russia taking over Europe, and possibly beyond, seems a greater issue at this moment than anything going on at our southern border. Y’all have the ability to impact the actions of the world. Stop throwing tantrums. Start leading.

▶ Created on December 7, 2023 by Debbie

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