
An open letter to the President & U.S. Congress

Oppose Exploitation of Congolese Minerals - Oppose Lobito Corridor Rail Project

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In light of President Biden's visit to Angola last week, I'm writing to urge all US officials and their employees to oppose the modern "Scramble for Africa" via the Lobito Corridor project. Although transitioning from fossil fuels to cleaner energy is important, it should not come at the cost of human life and dignity. Accelerating Western exploitation of Congolese minerals via this rail project will likely worsen ongoing destabilization throughout the region.  Instead of prioritizing profits and economic competition with China, we should be investing in the protection of humans and their environment in the Democratic Republic of Congo as well as Angola, Zambia, and surrounding nations. Please commit to doing so by opposing the Lobito Corridor project. Thank you. ( “A senior U.S. administration official called the Lobito Corridor the heart of competing with China not as a political adversary but from a business standpoint by sparking investment and helping countries over the long term. The U.S. is looking to replicate the Lobito Corridor project in other parts of the world, said the official, who briefed reporters on condition of anonymity to offer details that hadn’t yet been made public.” (

▶ Created on December 12, 2024 by BlueCollarJew

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