
An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Mo. only)

Don't Expand the Death Penalty in Missouri!

16 so far! Help us get to 25 signers!

I urge you to oppose SB 951 (Moon), SB 1499 (Brattin), and HB 2785 (Sparks), which would make several non-homicide crimes eligible for the death penalty. These bills seek to expand the use of capital punishment, when a majority of Americans have concerns about the fairness of the death penalty and whether it serves as a deterrent against serious crime. It would be a costly step backwards, made in defiance of the precedent set by our highest court. In their 2008 ruling in Kennedy V. Louisiana, the US Supreme Court held that the death penalty for non-homicide crimes is disproportionate to the crime and violates the 8th amendment’s prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2021 found that almost two thirds of Americans say the death penalty does not deter people from committing serious crimes, and nearly 80% say there is some risk that an innocent person will be executed. In a time where more and more Americans are calling for an end to capital punishment, and 23 states have abolished the practice, Missouri should not be doubling down. Making additional felonies death penalty eligible does not protect the victims of these crimes. Rather, the long death penalty process causes additional harm to victims: a huge percentage of death cases are overturned requiring new trials, and the appeals process stretches on for decades. Child victims of death penalty cases will be attached to a decades-long process as they grow up with no certainty of a specific outcome. A life sentence is a better alternative to protect victims as well as the public. In addition, the death penalty is extremely costly to taxpayers. More than a dozen states have tried to capture the cost of death penalty cases and found evidence that they are up to 10 times more expensive than other comparable cases. Instead of passing legislation to expand the use of the death penalty, Missouri should do a full audit of the death penalty system to fully understand all of the hidden costs of this government program, which spends millions of public safety dollars and does not deter crime. The State of Missouri’s resources are better spent in trying to protect children from abuse in the first place and making sure those that are abused have access to mental health treatment and continued therapy immediately after the offense. Please oppose these bills.

▶ Created on March 14, 2024 by MO Residents

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