Resistbot Petition: WE ❤️ACA

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I’ve always believed that hypocrisy should be added to the original 7 Deadly Sins. The original 7 seem inherent in human nature, and we strive to overcome them to become better humans. But hypocrisy is a choice. A choice to say one thing and do another. So it’s a sin of choice. A dishonest sin. That said, I’m reading about the large increase in ACA enrollment under Biden. And that 9 out of 10 largest gains in enrollment come from where? Wait for it…red states. Red states where their politicians have sworn for years to repeal something that their constituents seem overwhelmingly in favor of. Florida being #1. Oh the irony. Texas being #4. Since we chose not to expand Medicaid for poor folk, this is encouraging I guess. Seems our citizens like being safe and secure and insured with the help of a government that hopes they thrive and survive without breaking their banks. Helping people live better lives is not socialism. I don’t know why your party seems to believe it is. I guess it’s just an easy scary word to throw around. You’ve never seen a tax break for rich folk you didn’t love, honor and cherish. You’ve never seen a sensible gun law you thought enough of to pass. You don’t think science should help during a pandemic by offering solutions and/or guidelines to help keep us alive. You don’t think people have a right to ‘entitlement’ programs that they’ve paid their whole lives into. Poor people can go suck an egg. Seems the only people who really matter to you are the unborn. But I digress. My point is that you shouldn’t take credit for, or advantage of, actions by the government to make our citizens lives better that you actively vote against. I thought you work for your constituents? It is not in the country’s best interest to have leaders who encourage their constituents to act against their own best interests…and make them feel like they’re being swindled when the exact opposite is true. God only knows what America would look like if you had your way in all things.

▶ Created on February 6, 2023 by Debbie

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