Resistbot Petition: Immediate Action Needed to Address Escalating Conflict in Sudan

An open letter to the President & U.S. Congress

Immediate Action Needed to Address Escalating Conflict in Sudan

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The escalating conflict in Sudan, particularly in the volatile Darfur region, is a pressing concern. The Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) are engaged in a civil war that risks spiraling into mass ethnic killings. The RSF and associated nomadic militias have reportedly burned down villages, causing civilian displacement. The Sudanese army's bombings have resulted in civilian casualties. The absence of a neutral mediator exacerbates the situation. The potential involvement of Chadian fighters, due to tribal connections, could further complicate matters. This situation necessitates an immediate, permanent ceasefire. It is crucial to prevent further harm to civilians and to halt the potential for mass ethnic violence. The international community must act swiftly to mediate and deescalate the situation.

▶ Created on April 27 by Jake

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