Resistbot Petition: TIME TO LEAD?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. It really is good to be king isn’t it? You don’t have to do your job. Just go golfing. You don’t have to even pretend to care. Just tweet. You can manifest the pettiest of revenges in a multitude of ways. All ways that harm the country you’re supposed to lead. And whose people you swore to protect. Did you ever really believe that Donald Trump was any kind of Republican? And that your concerns were his concerns? I expect you knew this quite well, but a deal with the devil was made. And now the payment has come due. Mr. Trump saw an opportunity to manipulate your party and your base to his own ends. He’s still using the base, because hate and fear sell and he’s still got a grift to run. But you and yours are of no further use to him since it seems you might actually care more about democracy than fealty to Trump. Not that any of your awful actions in service to him are forgiven. You got him to this point. You had the power to curb him. But now it’s too little, too late. I think y’all’s relationship is in divorce court. So what’s your next move? The dying, soon-to-be-homeless, hungry, unemployed, desperate citizenry would really like to know. Can you believe this is America?

▶ Created on December 27, 2020 by Debbie

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