Resistbot Petition: PLEASE STOP WHINING

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Read today…”Journalists for Business Insider ran the numbers and found that 84% of the state lawmakers who have sponsored trigger laws are men, five states had no women sponsors for trigger laws, all but one of the 13 governors who have signed trigger laws are men, and 91% of the senators who confirmed the antiabortion majority on the Supreme Court are men. These men are overwhelmingly Republican: 86% of the trigger law sponsors were Republican, all of the antiabortion justices were nominated by Republicans, and 94% of the senators who voted to confirm the antiabortion justices were Republicans. 

At the same time that a small minority is imposing its will on the majority of Americans, Republicans are insisting they, not those who are losing their rights, are the victims.” I wonder why women are upset? And we have to all wonder what would the situation look like if it were men who were having their rights taken away in such a fashion? By women? Who got to decide the most intimate details of their reproductive lives? And threaten them with any number of monstrous outcomes? And these same women could rest assured that they will likely succeed in their goals, because who’s to stop them? Voters in gerrymandered districts where they hold the power? Like Texas? What would that world look like? You guys really would be clutching your pearls over that one.

▶ Created on May 11, 2022 by Debbie

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