Resistbot Petition: REALITY CHECK

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. An historic day for the country. Confirmation of the first black woman to the SCOTUS. We should be proud. It’s been too long coming. Too bad y’all can’t celebrate with America. But that’s all to be expected. The party of low expectations never disappoints. And I’m here to do my part in pointing that out to my ELECTED officials. I say elected because that is supposed to mean you reflect the will of the people you serve. And that may be true, to an extent. However, polls continue to show that what you want for us is not what we want for ourselves. What you want is to curtail our rights and personal freedoms, all the while telling us you are trying to do just the opposite. And because what you want for the country is not what the country wants, you are systematically attempting to subvert democratic processes where you can. You cannot win on the merits of your arguments so the only solution is to literally distort the systems of democracy. You do not want equality. You want a system of elites running the show for the benefit of themselves and their cronies. You want a religion-based society, rooted in the non-existent halcyon days of the 1950s. When white men ruled, women were happy in the kitchen, and people of color knew their place. You could care less about the welfare of society as a whole. Your belief seems to be ‘I got mine. Too bad you didn’t. And no help from me to assist you in any dream you might have.’ Civil rights be damned. LGBTQ rights be damned. Any rights that don’t comport with the way we think things should be, be damned. Might makes right and we’re going to prove it. I’m feeling harsh today. But being sad about the state of our society can do that to a person. I just wish I felt more confident that the silent majority still exists, and will save our democracy. That is if we can still vote with confidence. And if you choose to hear our voices.

▶ Created on April 7, 2022 by Debbie

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