Resistbot Petition: POWER TO THE PEOPLE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. The day of reckoning is finally here. Can I get an amen? Thinking about our country. Sick. Bruised. Battered like an abuse victim. But unbroken. Unbowed. Undeterred. Un-American behavior: A leader who refuses to lead the country. Voter suppression. Voter intimidation. Lawsuits to win, not votes. Stirring the fires of division. Pitting citizen against citizen. Lying to win. Cheating to win. Manipulating the system to win. America at its best: Election officials. Voting in droves to save our democracy. We, the People! “It is in our hands, not the hands of our leaders, to decide the nation’s future.” Whichever way it goes, the people are speaking. Loudly. It is a sight to behold. And for that, we should ALL be happy.

▶ Created on November 3, 2020 by Debbie

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