
An open letter to the President & U.S. Congress


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I am writing to you today in support of the complete liberation of Palestine. I demand that you support Palestinians in their fight for liberation in the following ways: 1. END THE GENOCIDE. Call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire. This is the only way to force an immediate end to the “israeli” genocide of Palestinians. The bare minimum that you could do to support the Palestinian people is ensure their safety from this day forward. 2. VOCALLY SUPPORT PALESTINE. Express explicit support for total Palestinian liberation: from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. The settler-colonial project that calls itself "israel" will be abolished. 3. MONETARILY SUPPORT PALESTINE. Provide substantial & ongoing funds to all Palestinians in Palestine. Their survival and wellbeing requires clean water, food, shelter, medical treatment, and the restoration of their society. The U.N. estimates that $1.2 billion is needed in financial aid, though the actual amount of aid needed far surpasses this figure. 4. FREE PALESTINIAN HOSTAGES. Demand that “israel” release all Palestinians held as “prisoners” (hostages) immediately. Prioritize getting them the care they need to recover. 5. CONDEMN ZIONISM & “ISRAEL”. Condemn “israeli” violence and lies, and refer to the state of “israel” as what it is: a European settler colonial project based upon the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Rebuke the notion that antizionism = anti-Jewish sentiment. 6. SEVER ALL TIES WITH “ISRAEL”. Immediately revoke all support for “israel”. Do not send another dollar or weapon. Cut diplomatic ties and end the cross-training between “american” police and the “i”of. 7. SUPPORT THE BDS MOVEMENT. Void all federal, state, and local laws that oppose the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, & Sanctions) Movement as they are unconstitutional and unjust. "americans" reserve the right to boycott companies which support "israeli" apartheid. Incorporate the BDS framework into the "u.s."'s official stance on "israel". 8. WELCOME PALESTINIAN REFUGEES. Expedite the implementation of a refugee resettlement program for Palestinians to relocate to the “united states.” Pay any and all fees needed for their escape. 
 From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.

▶ Created on February 6 by zahra & minah

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