Resistbot Petition: GOP FAILURE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Looking at day after day of the GOP plummeting in popular opinion. This is what picking the wrong horse looks like. What the wrong side of history looks like. What the wrong side of the American people looks like. What just plain wrong looks like. Losing across the board. That’s what the GOP looks like. Texas. Arizona. Florida. Mississippi. What do all these states have in common? Rising contagion. And Republican governors, who instead of making the hard choices and hard decisions based on science, and against the federal government’s own criteria, chose instead (and praised mightily by our President) to take a gamble with their constituents’ lives and threw the doors wide open. And what marched in? More virus. So yay for y’all. At least a few folks were able to get haircuts and shit-faced. But even now there is an element that refuses to abide by simple measures that could help bring our states and economies back in a more thoughtful, responsible way. For the long-term. But no. As was seen on a local FB page, posted by one of our local residents who actually had Covid-19 and recovered, when asked why she wouldn’t wear a mask, replied “Because I am a Republican and I love God and my country.” What do you do with a mentality like that? Oh, that’s right. You pander to them because that is now your base. The Republican Party used to be full of smart people. Of deep thinkers. Now it seems the party ideal is just the opposite. Now that’s really SAD. What an awful bed you’ve made for yourselves.

▶ Created on July 6, 2020 by Debbie

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