Resistbot Petition: RULES = OPTIONAL

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Isn’t ‘ignorance of the law is no excuse’ a thing? I’m pretty sure pleading that you had no idea it was wrong to steal your neighbors lawnmower wouldn’t fly in any court. So why would it be okay for a president to not know that it was a) wrong to tear up any documents from his administration and 2) pick out the good bits and take them home with him? This is all rhetorical. We know Mr. Trump knew it was wrong, illegal even, to do what he did with documents during his tenure in the Oval Office. We know he knew it was wrong, because he accused Hillary Clinton of the exact same thing during his campaign. He seemed to know right vs wrong then. At least as he thought it pertained to her. Just another case of rules and laws and ‘gentleman’s agreements’ are for suckers. Mr. Trump’s philosophy has, is, and forever will be ‘If you don’t like it, try and stop me.’ I can’t wait for a Democrat to get in the White House and start copying Trump’s playbook on EVERYTHING. Think you might regain a sense of right and wrong in that case? After your head explodes?

▶ Created on February 8, 2022 by Debbie

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