An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I’m a voting constituent in rural west Texas. It’s true. Inquiring minds DO want to know. And we’re about to know a whole lot more than we do right now. The January 6 Committee rolls on. Steadily. Methodically. Undistracted by the constant bleating from those being asked to account for actions that led our country to chaos. Secret WH meetings. Faked/forged electoral slates. Plans for which seem to have been well known. And well documented. Mark Meadows arranged the meetings. And loved the plan. So much so that he sent assurances that “we have a team on it.” What a web of deceit and subversion. Saved only by a preponderance of people who refused to go along with a plot to subvert the 2020 election. So it was left to the true diehards to push forward with their doomsday scenario. Working the con. Publicly predicting in veiled language what they anticipated would be the outcome of plans made. They made a bad bet. The echo chamber failed. As it should. As we hope it always will. But we’ll soon get to see just how far these folks went, without qualms, to do what the boss wanted. And what many still continue to do. Contrary to any semblance of reality. Or sense of shame. Between the 1/6 Committee and the various other civil and criminal cases advancing against Trump Inc., the picture is becoming very clear. Something was rotten in the White House. From the head down. And you still scream ‘witch hunt.’

▶ Created on January 21, 2022 by Debbie

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