
An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Support the FOREST Act: Combat Illegal Deforestation Now

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I am writing to express my strong support for the Fostering Overseas Rule of Law and Environmentally Sound Trade (FOREST) Act (S.3371 / HR 6515), a critical piece of bipartisan legislation aimed at halting illegal deforestation and its detrimental impacts on climate change. As a concerned citizen and advocate for environmental preservation, I am deeply troubled by the ongoing destruction of the world's forests. The FOREST Act presents a proactive approach to restrict commodities derived from illegally deforested lands from entering U.S. markets, aligning with global efforts to conserve biodiversity and combat climate change. Illegal deforestation is not only a significant driver of global warming, accounting for about 10 percent of the world's annual greenhouse gas emissions, but it also exacerbates corruption, organized crime, and human rights abuses. By enforcing transparency in supply chains and providing necessary resources for enforcement and compliance, the FOREST Act will ensure that American consumers and businesses are not complicit in these environmental crimes. Moreover, the legislation's comprehensive framework, involving key U.S. agencies and an advisory committee comprising experts from the private sector and civil society, promises an effective whole-of-government approach to this complex issue. It also aims to level the playing field for responsible producers and safeguard the rights and livelihoods of Indigenous Peoples and local communities. The urgency to address the root causes of illegal deforestation and its far-reaching consequences cannot be overstated. Supporting the FOREST Act is a crucial step toward fulfilling our moral obligation to protect the environment and mitigate climate change for future generations. I urge you to advocate for the swift passage of the FOREST Act in Congress. By doing so, you will demonstrate leadership in the global effort to preserve our planet's vital forest ecosystems and ensure a sustainable future for all. Thank you for considering my views on this matter.

▶ Created on March 3 by Mike

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