Resistbot Petition: WHY IS THIS RIGHT? (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Not looking forward to this week and the loosening and removal of state-mandated Covid restrictions across the state. My family had begun to get out and about more, knowing that masks were becoming part of the landscape. We felt more secure. Now, we will be going back to only curbside pick up for groceries. And I will be spending money only at businesses that will still require masks. I know that most of my neighbors will be reacting in exactly the opposite fashion and will only frequent businesses who do not require masks. What a silly, counter-productive state of affairs when half of society is trying to protect themselves and others and trying to stop the pandemic by putting up with temporary inconvenience. But the other half of society is more interested in an empty ‘freedom’ argument. Which instead assists the virus in wreaking havoc. And slows any real progress forward in getting back to normal. Opening up Texas for business doesn’t mean a thing if half of us drop out because we don’t want to be around people not taking care of themselves or those around them. That segment of society has always been out and about and ‘opening’ up Texas. But don’t you want the rest of us to do the same? I read this quote earlier from a San Antonio business person: “But what does taking away the mask mandate have to do with anything about reopening Texas?" Good question.

▶ Created on March 7, 2021 by Debbie

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