Resistbot Petition: WHAT AMERICA IS SEEING

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. As the 1/6 Committee public hearings continue, I’m struck anew by the absurdity that was able to foment the events of that day. A self-declared macho, manly, wanna-be strongman used the power of his privileged office, enabled by other same-mold small men with big megaphones granted to them by the freedoms America offers, made a mockery of our democracy. Aided by kooks. Aided by misguided men with guns. Aided by a series of pompous asses with big mouths that do not deserve their citizenship in this country. Compare them with the true bravery among us. Real Republicans who are willing to throw their own political careers away to support their oath of office. And America. Republicans who are trying to save the party of Lincoln…while the majority of you, in public at least, have decided the party of Trump is the better choice. The visual of cowardly men with power as puppet masters is as old as history. And the certain knowledge that none of them…none of them…would, or will ever, put themselves in the actual danger they expected others to experience for them, is the worst kind of cowardice. The people who protected you all on January 6 are the ones America sees. The ones who showed up to testify in support of our country, and are working to make certain such never happens again, are the best among us. I hope we deserve them. The rest of you, who sit on your hands, hiding in the shadows, testing the wind, hoping it all blows over and you can attempt to rewrite your part in all this, are not true citizens of the country you say you serve. Pardons might take care of legal liability but history will never erase the culpability of those who made the tragedy we’ve been watching possible. How will you live with that shame?

▶ Created on July 13, 2022 by Debbie

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