Resistbot Petition: IT’S OUR FIGHT TOO

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I’m constantly wondering how it is an Ivy League-educated HISTORY major can be so deliberately dim in regards to our current world. I’m speaking of Gov. DeSantis and his isolationist no nothing not my fight take on our support of Ukraine. A partial interview with Pres. Zelenskyy explains it well I think, in simple terms even a highly educated person can understand… “If we will not have enough weapons, that means we will be weak. If we will be weak, they will occupy us. If they occupy us, they will be on the borders of Moldova and they will occupy Moldova. When they have occupied Moldova, they will [travel through] Belarus and they will occupy Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. That’s three Baltic countries which are members of NATO. They will occupy them. Of course [the Balts] are brave people, and they will fight. But they are small. And they don’t have nuclear weapons. So they will be attacked by Russians because that is the policy of Russia, to take back all the countries which have been previously part of the Soviet Union. When they will occupy NATO countries, and also be on the borders of Poland and maybe fight with Poland, the question is: Will you send all your soldiers with weapons, all your pilots, all your ships? Will you send tanks and armored vehicles with your young people? Will you do it? Because if you will not do it, you will have no NATO. So what will you do when Russia will use rockets to attack your allies, to [attack] civilian people? And what will you do when Russia, after that, if they do not see [opposition] from big countries like the United States? What will you do if they will use rockets on your territory?” When our politics corrupt rational thinking on a grand scale, in this case for political gain, something needs to change. I suggest starting with the politicians who put politics, and reality, above the security of our country.

▶ Created on March 20, 2023 by Debbie

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