An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Pondering this evening the concept of personal responsibility. Which used to be a standard social more. A given. Of course one should take responsibility for one’s actions. What parent doesn’t teach that? And I believe it’s always been a big tenet of the Republican Party. But no more. In the space of four years, that concept has been thrown out, along with all other claims to morality and righteousness. A thought exercise, an obvious one, runs through my head watching the GOP Congress, still, twist themselves into knots trying to give Mr. Trump a pass on responsibility for the country he leads. My thought exercise consists of the obvious. What would be happening if this were Obama in charge? We all know how your colleagues would be behaving. What if Obama instigated an insurrection against the government he led? An insurrection based on lies that he and his Democratic enablers promulgated? The difference would be stark. But a main difference would be that the Democrats in Congress would never condone what we’ve been watching, no matter the political party of the President in question. We know that to be true. But the GOP throws all their long-vaunted morality, personal responsibility, and definitely patriotism, on the Trump bonfire. Some of you with great enthusiasm. You throw it all away for a perceived base of voters that studies have shown don’t particularly want a Republican...they want Trump. The same base that America watched pillage the U.S. Capitol, threatened you and yours, beat and killed law enforcement, and then went back home with fond memories and lots of selfies. That’s what you choose instead of the country if you don’t make some serious attempt to hold Mr. Trump accountable for his actions. The lack of political courage on your side so far has been so telling. And totally expected. Your constituents, the ones not living the lie, are concerned. And I would hope you are as well.

▶ Created on January 12, 2021 by Debbie

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