Resistbot Petition: Reconsider the Concertina Wire on Texas/New Mexico State Line (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)

Reconsider the Concertina Wire on Texas/New Mexico State Line

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The recent decision to install concertina wire along the Texas/New Mexico state line raises serious concerns. This action, aimed at deterring migrants, is not only costly but also exacerbates division and hostility. It also is unconstitutional on its face. Per Rep. Gabe Vasquez (NM-2): “The political move by the Texas governor to install a barrier between New Mexico and Texas is unconstitutional. To limit travel between U.S. states limits our rights as Americans. This is one of the many political stunts that the Texas governor has cooked up to demonize immigrants and that provides no real long-term solution to the crisis that we're facing. [Gov. Abbott has] put up an illegal border wall with shipping containers, then he conned migrants into taking buses to other states without their clear consent, then he put up a death trap on the Rio Grande that drowned innocent migrants seeking asylum and, now, his latest stunt is putting up a barrier between Texas and New Mexico.” Add this latest stunt to our lack of women’s healthcare, book banning, LGBTQ rights reversal, voting suppression. Why would any forward-thinking, people-positive, inclusive company want to relocate itself to Texas? Potential tax benefits do little to convince potential employees that living in such a repressive environment as Texas has become is a good thing. Texas is turning into a gulag. Therefore, it is requested to reconsider this decision and instead focus on policies that address the root causes of migration, promote cooperation between states, and uphold human dignity.

▶ Created on October 24, 2023 by Debbie

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