Resistbot Petition: MY TEXAS IS DEAD (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Texas is now a state of vigilante law. And we have the un-permitted guns to prove it. Texas is now a state even George Orwell would have difficulty imaging. Texas wants its women to get back in the kitchen, preferably pregnant. Handmaid’s Tale is real. Texas wants its minorities to get back to the back of the bus. And we have the voting laws to prove it. My stomach is sick. I’m planning my escape from this wretched state. A state that my ancestors fought for, died for, and protected during the Texas revolution. A state I have loved mightily. A state I have defended from other’s opinions. But no more. My heart is broken, you and yours have ruined our state. And that is not hyperbole. You have ruined our state. You have gone against the will of our citizens. We are a travesty. We are a danger to democracy. You have ruined our state.

▶ Created on September 2, 2021 by Debbie

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