Resistbot Petition: WHERE IS YOUR HUMANITY?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


3 so far! Help us get to 5 signers!

Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Lumberton, NC. Another opportunity to infect the masses at a Trump rally. And Mr. Trump, our President, the number 1 spreader of Covid mistruth and criminal-grade misinformation. He mocks the pandemic. He mocks the people trying to get things under control. He encourages his audience to do the same. And they do. Happily. Is this what the president should be doing? Negating the seriousness of the most serious crisis to hit our country in modern memory? I listen to/read the news, populated with people doing their best to try and educate us, to caution us, to try and help our citizenry to take measures to help prevent needless deaths. But the primary person who should be leading this effort is instead doing everything in his considerable power to take the country in the opposite direction. His disdain is disgusting. His lack of empathy is inhuman. And beyond insulting to the millions and millions of Americans affected in horrible ways by his lack of leadership. Do you and yours really believe all mention of the virus is going to disappear come November 4? How can you continue to be silent as he actively aids and abets the death toll of the country? What kind of people are you?

▶ Created on October 24, 2020 by Debbie

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