America is on the wrong side of history - Stop Trump Now
31 so far! Help us get to 50 signers!
I'm writing to you today as a constituent and former proud American, glad to be in the home of the free and the brave. Grateful to be in a country that welcomes all who are willing to come here, the tired, the poor, the weary huddled masses.
Now? Now I'm ashamed to be under a government that prioritizes tax cuts for billionaires over social security, deports hundreds of people with no due process to a prison in a country they're not connected to, makes a political prisoner of a permanent resident for taking a stance the administration doesn't agree with, and allows a president to make himself a de facto king.
This country has turned its back on their allies, slapping them with mindless tariffs, lying about recent history to take the side of a fascist over theirs, and thrown aside other decorum between friendly countries to showboat as the current president is known for.
They've turned the White House into a car dealership, a planned astronaut homecoming into a conspiracy-ridden spectacle, the checks and balance of the constitution into a list to be thrown aside.
What are you doing about it? Why are you as a representative of the people, sworn to serve and protect? People are angry. People are scared. You are letting the president take away your constitutionally defined powers. Do something or step aside to let someone else take up the mantle.