Resistbot Petition: WHY IS THIS OKAY?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


3 so far! Help us get to 5 signers!

Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. “When do we get to use the guns?” A serious question asked by a serious believer in the lies spread about election fraud in 2020. Spread by your favorite President because of his fragile ego. Spread by members of Congress in an attempt to achieve, or hang onto, power and influence. Spread by conservative media to inflame passions to boost ratings. Spread by social media to boost profits. Spread by the irresponsible among us with giant platforms, who apparently have a more important agenda than preserving our county as a democracy. All of this caused by folks who themselves DO NOT BELIEVE the big lie. But are using dangerous methods to achieve…what? Do we want to be Hungary? Tucker Carlson and many in your party seem to think so. And encourage the notion. Which is repulsive. Do we want to be Venezuela? Brazil? Russia? My suggestion is that if that is truly your belief, you be required to spend a year in any such authoritarian country. And see, perhaps, at the end of your stay, that believing you are special and would be a part of the ‘chosen class’ might turn out to not be true. Anyone who puts the concept of an authoritarian society, ruled by an elite class who knows best, is a traitor to America. And should leave our shores. You don’t deserve to be here. In the meantime, best prepare your answer to the gun thought…I expect it’s just a matter of time before you’re asked the same question.

▶ Created on October 27, 2021 by Debbie

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