An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Has anybody seen your wartime president recently? Seems he left the battlefield at the first sign of an actual battle. “We’re not going to control it. We will try to contain it as best we can.” Y’all do know that other countries managed to control it, right? Another easy out by your party. Sorry. We let it get out of control by malfeasance. But what can you do? Too late to worry about it now. Move on. We’ve got an election to lose. Cases in Texas up 25%. El Paso in crisis. Field hospitals being set up. Refrigerated trucks being called in. And the topper? Texans who are suddenly unable to go to the polls because they contract the coronavirus shortly before Election Day will need a certified doctor’s note to vote absentee. Then there’s our president roaming the countryside, desperately shouting COVID COVID COVID like an exorcist. Mocking the pandemic. Mocking his own public health officials. Filling his supporters heads with visions of a “Fake News Media Conspiracy.” Do you really feel like this sort of dereliction of duty is proper electioneering? To actively harm the American people to gain elected office? “It will go away, and as I say, we’re rounding the turn,” [Mr. Trump] continued, “we’re rounding the corner, it’s going away.” The only thing most assuredly going away is the Trump administration.

▶ Created on October 26, 2020 by Debbie

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