Resistbot Petition: CLOWN COUP

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I guess the WH play is set. They’ve gone from denying election reality to actively impeding and rejecting a presidential transition. This goes well beyond a President’s bruised ego. This is malignant malice toward a perceived enemy. And in this case the enemy seems to be the president’s own country. And the well-being of its citizens. And yet. Still. A large majority of the GOP Congress remains complicit with silence. Even though you all know the ultimate outcome come January 20, you persist in supporting the delusions of one man. Oh we all know why. It’s been expounded on ad nauseum. But it’s still unbelievable that you choose to support the losing side of history. And not just the losing side of history but a history of disservice to the country and the leadership of it during a time of crisis. Because that is where your names will be in the histories written. Some of you have made small pushback, but ultimately benign. And by benign I mean putting forth truthful statements that shouldn’t cause celebration, but do because they are so lacking from you and yours. That is, when they’re not immediately followed up by a reversal after some applied political pressure. Usually by bullying tweet. All caps. Ouch. At least we the people can rest easy knowing that the Trump administration ineptness in all things won’t result in a coup after all. Just lots of internal damage. Hopefully fixable. Repairing the damage to the country’s trust might be impossible however. But we should also be alarmed that you and yours jumped aboard a losing train with such enthusiasm. If you’re this easy with a cabal of clowns what will happen when a smarter, more efficient, more organized threat comes along? Heaven help us all then.

▶ Created on November 17, 2020 by Debbie

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