An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Welp. That’s out of the way. I’m talking about DJT and the town hall lovefest on Fox News last night. Talk about an in-kind campaign contribution. But the headline du jour was worth it all…“For 54 years they were trying to get Roe v. Wade terminated, and I did it, and I’m proud to have done it.” I expect as soon as those words left his mouth he must have had an uh oh moment because he promptly followed up with the usual nudge nudge wink wink pablum of favoring exceptions for rape and to protect the life of the mother and opposing things like a six-week abortion ban. Not because he cares a whit about women or their rights but because he doesn’t think he can win a general election if he doesn’t ‘support’ such things. But taking away rights from half the population and then offering a pat on the head as consolation fools no one. Well, no one that is going to make sure he’s never again in the Oval Office anyway. That would be we the people. If you don’t yet know where we stand on this issue you are unconscious. DJT did it. He admits it. He’s proud of it because he gets to boast. The boast is the thing. The damage done to himself and/or the country doesn’t matter. Here’s hoping he keeps it up. Every day in every way the tide is turning away from his brand of chaos. And he’s doing his part above and beyond to help it turn. Can you imagine what it must be like to work for this guy? Talk about earning a paycheck.

▶ Created on January 11 by Debbie

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