Resistbot Petition: WHAT NEXT?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Fact. Republicans keep beating the dead horse of taking away women’s reproductive rights, trying to find the sweet spot that will make it all bend in their direction. Fact. Women are angry. It will never bend your way. Fact. Every election with abortion on the ballot proves this point. Fact. Every poll on this subject proves this point. Fact. Anti-choice GOP candidates will never win in a general election on the national level. Fact. Donald Trump made the overturn of Roe v Wade happen. He admits so. It’s his greatest most long-lasting achievement. One he continues to tout. Fact. He will not be allowed to run away from that, regardless of his magical powers of delusion and obfuscation and assuming we’re as morally flexible and hazy on the truth as he is. And that’s who you think will actually be president again? Hardy har har har.

▶ Created on November 9, 2023 by Debbie

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