Resistbot Petition: WE DON’T WANT A STUPID AUDIT (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Finally. The long-anticipated audit in AZ is over. Good news for the GOP faction wanting to overturn the last election, right? Whoops. I guess not so much. Even the clown show was able to reaffirm that Biden won Maricopa Co. And by more votes than originally thought. So where’s the beef? Now Texas seems more than willing to jump on the same crazy train. Even after our Governor affirmed our Texas process was smooth and efficient. Now it’s not? Why the reversal? It’s just outrageous the lengths the current version of the GOP continues to go to in trying to overthrow democracy. Because when the people elected to power, refuse to accept the results of an election that they don’t like, that is the very definition of authoritarianism. Sowing doubt in the citizenry about the mechanisms of democracy, towards their own desire to stay in power, no matter the cost to the country, is not patriotism. It is not decent. And it certainly isn’t any part of the oath you took to your country. You, as elected officials, are supposed to follow the will of the people. And this following the will of the people should never be based on a lie designed to corrupt our most basic trust in our country. You are leaders theoretically. You should try leading. Not following the worst elements of your party. Because what America is watching is corrupt. Vile. Extremely dangerous. And unworthy of the word Republican.

▶ Created on September 25, 2021 by Debbie

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