Resistbot Petition: Turkey Human Rights Promotion Act of 2021

An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Turkey Human Rights Promotion Act of 2021

16 so far! Help us get to 25 signers!

At the moment, the Turkey Human Rights Promotion Act of 2021, a bipartisan bill, is stuck in committee. The bills, HR 4546 and S2403, are designed to assist those subjected to politically motivated charges in Turkey under Erdogan's regime. This legislation asserts that the government of Turkey must uphold human rights. It requests that the government of Turkey takes steps to condemn arbitrary killings and torture, improve freedom of the press, permit free expression on social media and in person, promote a fair and independent judicial system, protect lawyers and judges while upholding human rights. As your constituent, I highly recommend that you support this legislation and condemn the Erdogan regime's human rights abuses.

▶ Created on January 30, 2022 by Bailey

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