An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Can we please god retire ‘witch hunt’ as a knee-jerk response to every request for any kind of information? Enough already. I suggest instead ‘I choose not to respond because I don’t want to incriminate myself because I’m pretty sure I would.’ Jim Jordan. He of the interminable Benghazi investigation. He of the constant whining about cover ups. About conspiracies. About the need for responsibility for actions. Hillary Clinton had no problem showing up and answering everything thrown at her. Where’s Mr. Jordan’s accountability? Obviously accountability for him doesn’t include accountability for him. Between all the stonewalling, all the running for the exits, all the attempts to avoid explanations for events leading up to January 6, at least we can also see real progress on filling in gaps. The January 6 Committee is apparently doing a bang up job of compiling information to connect the dots. We can’t wait to see what’s revealed. I expect that anything trying to be hidden will be pretty much revealed regardless. And those folks trying to escape responsibility will have lost their opportunity to explain their side of the story. As well, the Fulton Co. DA’s case in Georgia seems to be gathering steam, and evidence, to show that Mr. Trump was more than actively involved in election tampering in their state. You can’t beat a taped phone call asking for votes to be found while also tacitly threatening the GA Secretary of State if they weren’t. Sen. Graham and Mark Meadows should have some explaining to do, as well. So as much as all those guys scream ‘witch hunt’ at every opportunity, the long arm of the law may not see it that way. The tide continues to turn. I hope y’all choose your path going forward carefully. You should become part of the solution, not continue to be part of the problem. Just a suggestion.

▶ Created on January 11, 2022 by Debbie

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